Reunion Photos
Sharpsburg Cadets 2008 Reunion BBQ Web Site!

Roster Page

Misc Stuff

Attendee  List

Reunion Pictures

Where's Jeff?


E-mail or send pics and I'll put them here or in the program I hope to finish soon! (I could make these larger but they are too distorted then.)

Yeah, we're a pretty Motley Crew! But I'd like some more pictures.

Buddy & Keith

Drew, Karen, Buddy & Pete

Former Fire and Cadet Hall, First Class All The Way!

Evil "Red Eye" Ross and Cheryl

A Group Shot

Drew and Oscar

Terri & Oscar, The Happy Couple

Party Oscar!

Yowza! Yowza! Yowza! ( to Blue Devils) Chris, Sandy, and Denise!

Terri and Sis party in the kitchen!

Oh wait, here's a picture of me. In case you all forgot how I looked.

Karen, Sandy, Bob

I need a better picture of Kevin!

This picture is for Billy Pharr, who was hot to see a picture of Ricky.

Former Cadet Hall? Former Laundromat? Yes to both!