Sharpsburg Cadets 2008 Reunion BBQ Web Site!
Sharpsburg Cadets 2008 Reunion BBQ Web Site!

Roster Page

Misc Stuff

Attendee  List

Reunion Pictures

Where's Jeff?


2008 Reunion Information!

So that you all can make plans WELL ahead of time, the next Cadet Reunion/BBQ/Hoagie Sale/Car Wash, will be In August 2008. The thought at this time is to spend the day at Kennywood Park. Specifically, Thursday August 28th! This will allow you to still spend time with your family over the Labor Day weekend.

Reunion Committee Contacts

Local Contact:

John Menosky - (412) 916-5056

National Contact:

Jeff Davis - via email




Franny Wasn't The Only One Marching!

Check out the photo to the right!



Me in my NEW Kingsmen Uniform. February 2007.